Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 5-but not the end!

This is Friday, the fifth and final day of our Mission trip here to Jamaica, NY.  This week-we have assisted people whose lives have been and still are affected from Hurricane Sandy.  Hurricanes cut and tear down.  Whole rooftops sail, cars are toppled, tossed, and torn.  The waves obliberate the shore line and inudates streets and houses with sand.  For some, only the solid foundation remains.  BUT in the aftermath of the storm-foundations can be used for rebuilding. 

In chatting with people this week throughout the area, many have told us stories of where they were and the fear they had, we were told of unsung heros and everyday people.  This rebuilding of NYC and its surrounding communities and suburbs are still in the aftermath of this storm.  Some still have tears in their eyes as they retell these stories.  Rebuilding these communities will continue for several years as people have been forced to move elsewhere until their homes are rebuilt.  New foundations to be built and formed. 

This week-we have torn down walls, removed mold, and removed debris to help rebuild a structure that (hopefully) soon will be rebuilt and be home to people, people who have been displaced and discouraged, but not hopeless.  We assisted a lady today who had some mold problems at her house.  There was some flooring and trimming needed around her house as well.  Bushes had grown against her back fence-the neighbor behind who shared this area also needed some assistance with removal of overgrowth and some fencing problems as well.  That is what we are here for-to help those who may be displaced by circumstances beyond their control.  We have been here to assist as and where we can.  These folks sometimes just need an ear to listen.  (Can anyone say, "anyone who has ears, let them hear")?   There is a strong sense of this hurricane has beat these folks down, but life will go on.  Things will get better.  Some agencies have been formed to help those in need.  Some have turned their lives to Christ, some even being "reborn" again.  This event will make New Yorkers stronger.  Missions will continue here in the rebuilding efforts here.  The people here at First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica have taken great careof us volunteers.  People have thanked us many times over.  One of the ladies we assisted wants her daughter to go on a mission trip similar to this one.  What can we say?  We (hopefully) have enlightened folks to knowing we are Christians by our love.  We again, have hopefully improved and brightened the lives of those whom we have come in contact with.  I am sure the people we have been in contact with-they have made an indellible impretion upon us all.  Anything we have accomplished-all the glory, honor, and praise goes to Him. 

After a long day-at the office so to speak, more like what we have been doing all week in the affected areas here locally-after showers and supper, we have had devotions each day to discuss what has been going on, if there are questions, if there are disheartening feelings, what our thoughts and concerns are.  Using biblical scripture and sometimes singing along with guitar, we have all given thanks to our Creator for Him giving us all the ability to do what He has envisioned us to do. 

As we draw to a close here, please keep us in prayer for travelling back to the 'burgh.  Also remember to pray for missionaries no matter where they serve, whether it be here in the local community, throughtout the US, or around the globe.  WE give thanks to those who have supported us in any way.  We have been and continue to be blessed here.  Again, the congregations that have supported this mission in anyway, a big THANK YOU for all that you have done and prayed for us all. 

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